Welcome to Moilife! (fr. Moi - my)
My name is Anja Zaletel, I'm 18 and studying industrial design.
Moilife is a visual diary about things I like – travel, photography, design and explore.
My passion for blogging started on 4th of July, 2012 (yep, I noted the date!), with signing-up to Tumblr. I keep my own photos and more personal visual blog on Instagram, and of course, you can find me on Pinterest as well. Beside using these great tools I like visiting beautiful places, enjoy delicious food and meet great people. So after a year of hesitation and encouragement from my boyfriend and family, I decided to create my very own blog.
Enjoy and have a beautiful day! xoxo
Dobrodošli na blogu Moilife (fr. Moi - moj)
Moje ime je Anja Zaletel, stara sem 18 let in študiram industrijski dizajn.
Moilife je vizualni dnevnik vsega, kar rada delam in obožujem – potujem, fotografiram vse lepe stvari, oblikujem in raziskujem.
Kako se je vsa ta ljubezen do bloganja začela? Začelo se je točno 4. Julija 2012 (hah.. celo datum sem si zapisala ja!), ko sem se prvič včlanila v Tumblr. Ustvarila sem si tudi Instagram, kjer imam zbrane samo svoje fotografije in je bolj 'osebni' vizualni blog kot Tumblr, seveda pa imam tudi Pinterest.
Ampak to mi, – kot vidite – ni dovolj. Ker enostavno rada blogam in sanjam o idiličnih krajih, odlični hrani in družbi, sem se po kakšnem letu te skrite želje (in spodbudi družine ter fanta), končno opogumila in ustvarila svoj lasten blog.
Uživajte in imejte prelep dan še naprej! xoxo
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Photos and text on this blog are owned by Anja Zaletel (unless otherwise stated). Please don't use them without permission or credit. Thank you!